Dive Site Local Middle

Tower is a spectacular dive site characterized by a deep canyon that wall decend vertically for over 120m.You start to drift near Fossile coral tower, soon you will discover the deep canyon. Right after the canyon you will reach sandy plateau that runs at 15-25m that has some pinnacles. Swimming upwards at 12-5m to explore the crevices and caves, one of it has glassfish. Rich in reef fauna with many parrotfish, cube boxfish and butterflyfish, in the blue there are fusiliers and pelagic fish such as trevalleys and barracudas.
Two types of dives are possible at Sodfa. The 1st route towards the west in direction to the dive site Tower, and the 2nd towards the east in direction of Ras Sodfa. Both dives lead along a sandy slope at an average about 12m between the reef ledge and the drop off between 18 and 22m. On the sandy slope some coral pinnacles rise up and you will see some large gorgonians near the drop off around 20m. The 2nd route offers more various panorama with a higher richness in corals and fauna represented by fusiliers, surgeonfish, triggerfish, anthias, dominos, parrotfish, glassfish, Red sea banner fish and common lionfish. Massive pore corals, gorgonians, big table corals and yellow soft corals are common elements on this site.
Near Garden
It’s just 5min cruise to reach to this site from Naama Bay jetty, easy dive site that you can choose mooring or drift dive. Diving begins while descending onto a sandy plateau at about 15-20m which is bordered on the ridge of the drop off by a series of hard coral heads, then proceed along numerous gorgonians up to a ridge with four pinnacles. In condition permit, you might reach the site of Middle Garden where often you meet Spotted eagle ray. You will come upon many Blue spotted stingrays, Napoleon fish and Triggerfish. Some small White tip reef shark has chosen this site as its home.
Middle Garden
It’s easy dive site suitable for beginners and check dive. Totally sheltered from wind, waves and currents. A vast sandy plateau stretch out onto the reef ledge ending at 5m and the drop off is situated between 12-14m. Heading to the Fiddle Garden, the sand plateau narrows, giving rise to a beautiful road of white sand, it is bordered by corals. Some table corals are scattered all around often creating small sandy avenues that recall garden path, which gave the name of this site. An alternative is a drift dive heading to the Near Garden. Schooling fusiliers, puffer fish, triggerfish, dominos, pullers, Blue spotted stingrays and also some Spotted eagle rays constitute the typical fauna of this site.
Fiddle Garden
It’s easy dive site suitable for beginners and check dive. Totally sheltered from wind, waves and currents, there is a few mooring situated. The seabed is sandy, flat and shallow, around 10m, with coral structures contouring sandy street from where some massive pore corals ride up. The drop off starts from 14-20m, more interesting to explore some coral pinnacles with glassfish.
Far Garden
Far Garden is situated in the northernmost part of Naama Bay. It is differs from the other localities in the bay, since there is a series of large coral pinnacles located between the ledge along the reef and the drop off, which become gradually steeper in an eastward direction. Here you can make either mooring or drift dive. Mooring dive will allow you to explore the pinnacles, they are frequented by a great number of reef fish, small Scalefin anthias, lionfish, fusiliers and Sergeant fish. Continue to the east, you will reach a cave with glassfish at 5m. If the weather is good, start to drift from this cave, descending to 30m, where you will see from above, the top of “The Cathedral” that open out at about 32m and penetrates the reef for a dozen meters.