Dive Site Local North

Sharks Bay
It seems that the name “Sharks Bay” derives from the fact that local fishermen once came here to unload the sharks they had caught. On the southern part of the bay, you will see an old sailing ship, Jump-About-Gib, which hit the reef many years ago. The classic dive runs through some large coral formations that rise from the sandy floor, sadly disfigured today by numerous waste objects. Here you turn into the entrance of the deep sandy canyon on the southwestern side of the bay. After following the canyon at 30m, some slowly up to 18m to explore a sandy plateau and the reef ledge. Which has a remarkable variety of hard and soft corals.
White Knight
White Knight is a small bay bordered by a rather well developed reef with a large crevice that opens onto a sandy plateau from 6 to 18m. Here there is a mooring point near colony of Garden eels. On the southwestern side of the bay is a canyon with sandy floor that descends to 38m. The eastern side of this canyon is composed of two hard coral buttresses on which you will see a large Salad coral. Next to the entrance is tunnel that begins at 10m and open into the canyon at 13m. Also there is a few cave on this canyon.
Ras Bob
Ra Bob is sheltered from waves and wind, and usually weak current. Suitable for all levels and very interesting for snorkeler as there is many hard and soft corals. The mooring situated on the sandy floor at 20m near colony of Garden eels. There are many small bays with light colored sandy floors in which you will see numerous small caves and gullies in the shallow water. Crocodile fish and Blue spotted stingrays often rest on the sand.
Ras Nasrani
The name of this locality means „Christian Cape“ in Arabic. You can make drift or mooring dive. Start drifting from the floating pontoon close to the big hard coral ridge above a shelter that opens at 30m and then come up slowly towards a submersed sandy bay. Beyond this point the sand gives way to the corals. After you have passed some large gorgonians at about 20m, you will come upon large colonies of massive hard corals of the genus Porites that form extensive banks. The dive goes through the zone between the reef slope, which has many small crevices studded with multicoloured Alcyonarians, and drop off situated about 30m away. Here is good spot to observe the giant clam or bivalve mollusc Tridacna sp.
Ras Ghamila
Ras Ghamila is an interesting place for a fine drift dive that is not too difficult. You dive onto a vast sandy plateau with a slight incline, staying at about 15m. On the gentle slope on the reef, which descends to an about 8m, there are many colonies of Porites coral and some Giant triggerfish often pass by, while on the plateau there are large Table corals around which schools of pelagic fish swim. The drop off is hardly to see during the dive, there is also many large gorgonians can be seen around 25m on this plateau.